Email Marketing Series: 9 Ways To Improve Email Open Rate | SFWPExperts

What is Email Open Rate?Email open-rate helps in analyzing the percentage of emails opened by your existing and new subscribers. Breaking it even simpler, an email open rate tells you about how many people viewed or opened the email you sent. Email open rate may differ depending on emails Subject matter and email subject relevance. If you are sending emails to irrelevant people then they will not show any interest in opening your email. And sometimes people mark irrelevant emails as spam. So, optimize your email and email list to get a higher open rate.Email open rate plays an important role in giving you the results of your email marketing campaign. Every email campaign aims to achieve a higher email open rate but sometimes marketers fail to achieve maximum open rate. Due to:Inactive email subscribers,The unappealing subject line,failed delivery,sending emails to the disinterested recipients,poor timing, etc.Tips to improve email open rateSo, now the question is how to increase email open rate????To improve email open rate SFWP Experts have come up with strategies that can help you in achieving a higher email open rate.1. Update and Clean your mailing listIf you are into bulk email processing then it is always recommended to update and clean your email from inactive users. You might have heard of the advice that it’s good to send emails to your subscribers to stay in touch with them. But if your subscriber is not active then what is the use of sending an enticing email to an inactive user.Read More: Email Marketing Series: 9 Ways To Improve Email Open RateAbout Us:SFWPExperts is a top-tier WordPress website designer agency that creates visually appealing, user-friendly websites. Their WordPress developet expert team delivers customized, responsive designs that enhance user engagement and drive business success. With a focus on performance and innovation, SFWPExperts ensures a strong online presence for every client.