GLibrary- Library Management Software The Ultimate Solution for Schools, Colleges, and Digital Libraries

Manage your library with the simplest library management software. Glibrary is an advanced and elegant library management or resource center management system designed and supported by Gayatri software. Library management system software is ERP-based software designed and developed to manage all the library functions for schools, colleges, and libraries. Glibrary maintain, organize, and handle countless books systematically, it is necessary to implement library management software suitable for libraries, colleges, and schools. Glibrary provides library management software for public, private, and school libraries to maintain and handle countless books systematically. It is designed to manage physical collections of items (books, CD’s, videos, reference, etc.) as well as managing E-books and membership records. Glibrary is available web-based as well as installation-based, with a SQL database backend and cataloging data stored in MARC. The user interface is very configurable and adaptable, and we provide customization as per the requirements of a particular library.