steam trap manufacturer

steam trap manufacturer

ValvesOnly Europe is the prominent Steam Trap manufacturer in Germany and Italy. It is an important device used in the industrial process to remove condensate, air, and other non condensable gasses and prevent the escape of valuable steam. The main purpose of this valve is to prevent the loss of the steam which is essential in maintaining the efficiency of the operation, by effectively removing the non condensable gasses they protect the equipment from the effect of water hammer. These valves ensure only high quality streams are delivered into the system, as they effectively remove the condensate and non-condensable gas. Maintain efficiency and heat transfer process.


● Ball Float Steam Trap

● Inverted Bucket Steam Trap

● Bimetallic Steam Trap

● Thermodynamic Steam Trap

● Thermostatic Steam Trap


● Effectively remove condensate and non-condensable gasses

● Prevent from the effect of water hammer

● Safety Enhancement

● Improved system efficiency

● Need low maintenance

● Improved product quality Energy Savings

● Equipment Protection

● Process Efficiency


● Industrial Processes

● Power Generation

● Steam Distribution Networks

● Process Sterilization

● Pulp and Paper Industry

● Textile Industry

● Chemical Industry


● Body Material: Carbon steel, Ductile iron, Stainless steel (SS304, SS316), Cast iron, Forged steel (A105, F11, F22)

● Size: 1/2″ to 2″

● Nominal Pressure: PN10 to PN250

● Class: 150 to 300